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Electrifying Gothenburg’s Waterways: METS Technology Leads the Charge with Megawatt Stations and Hybrid Ferries

Styrsöbolaget has commissioned our company to design and build the megawatt charging stations for the ferry routes, consisting of a 2-megawatt station at Lindholmen and a 1-megawatt station at Klippan. In other words, we are extending our reach and adding land operations to our typical maritime operations. The scope of METS will include complete containerised solutions, including power electronics, transformers, control systems, cooling, safety systems, etc. The chargers will interface with the ship’s automation systems, which will automatically control the charging currents and voltages via an MSC charging interface.

We have also converted two ferries, Älvsnabben 4 (ongoing) and 5 (back in service), from diesel to hybrid propulsion in cooperation with the local shipyard Ö-VARVET AB. The work resulted in electric motors, on-board charging systems, DC-links, inverters and other auxiliary equipment needed for the electric hybrid drive. Thanks to our experienced electrification team and the MIAS automation platform, we were able to successfully integrate the new electrical and battery components with the traditional systems.

Our contribution to the electrification of Gothenburg began with Elvy and Eloise, the city’s first two hybrid vessels. This initiative, driven by the City of Gothenburg and Västtrafik and operated by Styrsöbolaget, continues to shape the future of sustainable transport on the city’s waterways. For readers outside Gothenburg, let’s clarify who is involved. Västtrafik is responsible for public transport in the Västra Götaland region of Sweden. More than 444,000 customers travel daily on its network of buses, trains, trams and boats. Västtrafik AB is owned by the region of Västra Götaland.

Styrsöbolaget is a shipping company with a long history. In agreement with Västtrafik and the City of Gothenburg, it provides public transport by water for Älvtrafiken and the southern archipelago. Our current work is more related to the former, which includes three routes: between Lilla Bommen and Klippan, Stenpiren and Lindholmspiren, and Stenpiren and Lundbystrand.

Since 2004, Styrsöbolaget has been a subsidiary of the Transdev, a large international company with more than 100,000 employees in 19 countries. The multinational has ferry services in four of these countries: France, Portugal, Australia and Sweden. While Styrsöbolaget operates on the west coast of Sweden and its sister company, Blidösundsbolaget, on the east coast. Both companies have extensive industry expertise and local knowledge.

The goal is quite simple: Continued high-quality service with less CO2, less air pollution and less noise for the people of Gothenburg!